Throwing a classroom party can be a fun and exciting way to celebrate a special occasion or reward students for their hard work. As a first-time room parent, being in charge of a school party may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be difficult.
Class parties look different at every school, so the first thing you should do is get in touch with the teacher and see what her/his expectations for the party are. Good questions to ask the teacher are:
How much time will she/he allow for the party?
Is outside food allowed at the party?
Are there any food allergies in the class?
Does she have an expectation of how many games will be played?
Would she prefer a craft is done in conjunction with the games?
While classroom parties differ from school to school, below is a list of the general framework for most parties:
- 3 or 4 games
- a craft (for younger grades)
- a snack with paper products and a beverage
- decorations
a few parent volunteers to run each game
Classroom parties can be thrown for a variety of occasions. Below is a list of the reasons some schools have class parties:
- Halloween/Fall
- Christmas/Winter
- Valentine's Day/Friendship Parties
- Spring
- St. Patrick's Day
- End of the Year
- Kindergarten/Preschool Graduation
Reward Party (for meeting a goal)
After speaking to the teacher to get an understanding of what she/he expects the party to look like, you can start planning. This can be very time-consuming, as it generally takes a lot of time searching for fun games to play, putting together a sign-up list to have other parents in the class bring supplies, and planning out every detail of party day.
If you don't have a ton of time or are intimidated by the idea of planning the party from scratch, you can purchase a complete Party Kit from MyClassroomPARTY. They have many Party Kits to choose from that have everything you need for the party. All games come with instructions and QR codes that lead to video instructions so you will feel confident on party day. If you go this route you will want to send an email to the parents in the class telling them you will be ordering the Party Kit and asking for a few dollars instead of collecting party supplies from everyone.
When party day arrives you will need to decide if you are breaking the class into small groups to play the games and have the students rotate through each game, or having them play the games together as a class. You will also need to take the total time allowed for the party and divide it between all the activities you have planned. It's best to get to the classroom early to get any decorations set up and to organize all your games. If you have volunteers coming to help, be sure to give them the instructions for each game. If you did order from MyClassroomPARTY, it would be helpful to email volunteers the video instructions before the party.
Remember, the goal of a classroom party is to have FUN and create a sense of community within the class. Remind the parents that are volunteering that the students have more fun when the parents running the activities are engaged and enjoying the party too :).
Happy party planning!
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